
Is LED Lighting Sustainable?

Is LED Lighting Sustainable?

Each year, new laws are written mandating increased energy efficiency in buildings, creating a demand for clean technology NOW. Many cities are committing to using 100% renewable energy within the next 50 years, so it makes sense for businesses to cut energy consumption and offset usage with other sources of energy. Many businesses are looking to pick the low-hanging fruit of sustainable requirements first, and one of the easiest changes a high return is switching to LED lighting. Is LED lighting sustainable? Energy Efficiency LEDs are known to use less energy while giving off more light. How? Traditional light bulbs release 90% of their energy as heat, while LEDs put off 5% or less of the energy as heat due to the lack of a filament traditionally found in incandescent…
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How can LED Lighting Benefit Business?

How can LED Lighting Benefit Business?

With energy prices constantly on the rise, many business owners are looking for options on how to save money. What generally comes to mind first is investing in solar energy. Although switching to renewables is a great option for the environment, it is just a temporary patch on the problem. Wouldn’t it make more sense to lower consumption FIRST then offset electricity costs? What many people don't consider first is LED lighting. How does LED lighting benefit business?This type of thinking is common now, focusing on fixing the problem after-the-fact rather than starting at the root of the situation. The easiest way to reduce monthly utility bills is right over your head. Lighting! A commercial business’s lighting cost can range from at least 10 to 30 percent of an average monthly…
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Seasonal Changes in Lighting Costs

Seasonal Changes in Lighting Costs

As the year goes by and fall begins, the days get shorter and night get longer. You may ask, how does this affect my lighting costs? You may not have thought about it, but longer nights call for extended periods of exterior lighting usage. In the span of a few months, the sun will be setting earlier and lights turning on earlier, costing you more. Most lighting operates on a timer system, turning on when the sensor realizes it’s dark. These timer systems are not the most reliable after a few years due to damage by UV rays, so it is important to get them inspected every few years. Interior lighting costs could be affected too. Here in San Diego, when fall and winter comes, the sun can set as early…
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